

Dear Diary,

I don’t think I’ve ever told you but I am in the process of switching careers. For nearly nine years, I’ve worked as a Recreation Instructor for the City of Richmond and though I love working with children, I’m ready for a change. Part of my job is to plan and promote programs for the community centers where I’m assigned and over the years it’s become the part of my job I love. I always knew that recreation was something that I wouldn’t do forever but I had no idea what I wanted to do. I went back and forth in my mind for a few years with ideas and every time I would be trying to figure it out, I would be in the process of planing and promoting a program; I finally took the hint lol! Last summer I enrolled in school to pursue my degree in Marketing and I have never been happier; super tired with going to school full time and working full time and blog full time and being a mommy full time but happy! I am trying to get some real world experience in this field so I applied for an internship with a local museum in my area and fingers crossed I get it!

It’s been crickets over on the blog and on Instagram this week. I’ve been trying to keep up with my assignments for my online class and yea…the blog needed to take a week long break. But just because I’m not posting does not mean I’m not working! When I was blogging before, I could not figure out the secret to doing this full time and working full time and found myself burned out. I now know the secret and it’s “batching processing”; in short I schedule day’s during the week to get one task done with the blog. For example, one day I write all of the weeks post, another day I shoot all of the pictures for the posts and another day is for editing all the posts. I first heard of this method from Mattie James who is the blogger behind Mattieolgie and it has been a GAME CHANGER!! To be honest I thought it was stupid and not sure how this one little trick would be a benefit but I gave it a try and boy was she right! I’m no longer falling behind on posting, stressing out about meeting deadlines and I have more control with what needs to get done. I had someone ask me recently how I manage to post three times a week with everything else that I have going on and I shared with them this method. Now I’ve sucked with posting the past week but that was not for lack of content, I just needed to breathe and disconnect a bit to focus on school but its back to my regularly scheduled programming!

Well its time to go and get ready for the week, I’ll talk to you soon!

Until next time,



2 thoughts on “7.24.16|#DOFB

  1. Congrats on moving forward with your destiny. It’s hard to make the jump towards self, but once you do there’s no looking back. I can definitely agree with batching. I spent all day yesterday doing the graphics and blog posts for the next week and boy do I feel free.
    Good luck with school! I definitely can understand the pressure and intensity of working your hustle while learning a new one. I’m three months from graduation and sitll learning how to balance everything, You’ll make it!

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