
Let me start off by saying I’m not an app person. A friend of mine used to hijack and download all the latest apps on my phone for me. I would keep them for about 5 seconds and delete them off my phone for one reason or another. I have a few trusted apps I kept and NoteStream has now joined the ranks!


NoteStream can be described as only one thing “Learning on the go”. No matter where you are, you can pull out your phone and search through the more than 10 category of “Notes” on this app and get versed in things like music, beer or fashion. I was personally happy about the “Beer Note” as beer was a gift I got someone for their birthday. I was able to search through the notes, find the one that I needed and was able to learn more information; just that simple! The articles are written by people who are experts in that particular area and make you fell like you are talking to your really smart friend! And if you don’t see a category that you are sure will peak peoples interest, use the “Suggest A NoteStream” feature and submit your idea for the next Note!

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NoteStream recently launched a “Fashion Note” and I am happy to be a contributor for that note on the app!

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I am personally sold on this app, but don’t take my word for it, download it for yourself and give it a try. For more informtion about NoteStream visit their website You will find a whole host of people giving this app much praise!!


Thanks SO much for Reading!



Baby Its Cold Outside


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Of course I would pick the coldest day to decide to shoot pics for today’s post, but at least I have this vintage fur to keep me warm! I am huge fan of mixing a super casual pieces with super dressy pieces and this outfit fits the bill, what’s more dressy than a fur coat!! Or maybe its the 5 year old in me that wanted to wear this coat so much I would wear it over jammies the grocery store lol


Thanks SO much for Reading




Get the Look:

Fur Coat// Vintage Find

Gap Jeans

Gap Button Down

Target Silver Oxfords-NLA// similar styles here

1st Year Blogger Meet-Up!

Being a blogger in your first year can be exciting, scary, hard, stressful or all of the above lol. When fashion blogging was still a relatively new thing, their weren’t very many forums to connect with other bloggers and get the much needed support that is a must in the first year. As this community has grown over the past few years, places like the Lucky Community Board and IFB have made it easy for bloggers to connect with other bloggers and for a first year blogger that’s so important! Lat week I told you that I had the amazing opportunity to chat with other first year bloggers and I wanted to share with you our conversation.

Alessa from, Jasmine & Brandon from be the plebeian and Victor from Sucker’s Closet were all at the table with me and this is what they had to say about blogging in the first year!

1.What is the birth date of your blog?

A: Well its a little tricky. I initially started with another site name in July 2014 but felt it wasn’t write still. I came up with in August and transferred all my posts over. August 2014 is what I’ll go with.

J & B: September 2014

V: May 11th 2014

2. Why did you start blogging?

A: I had been blogging here and there for about 4 years. Something would always come up and take me away from it. It started as a love for the entertainment and fashion industries but I ultimately decided that a lifestyle New York specific blog was for me and I’ve been blogging regularly every since. What famous bloggers say about finding your niche and then everything comes together? it’s absolutely true.

J & B: My boyfriend and I started blogging because we wanted a creative space outside of our stressful jobs to express ourselves. We also thought it would be a fun idea to work together on a project and this would be a unique way to document all of our adventures in travel and style together.

V: After I watched the TV show “Sex and City”, I  was really envy how Carrie can share her stories or ideas through an amazing platform . However, in reality, I don’t have a newspaper column, so I started a blog as a place to express my creativity!

3. What is the hardest part about being a first year blogger?

A: learning that professional blogging is very different than casual. What I was doing before was half-assed and not great. Now…Now I’ve never been happier with the work I’ve produced in CSL’s first year. Also scheduling time to blog is harder now but keeping a calendar on my iPhone has been the perfect way to really hunker me down and get to writing.

J & B: The hardest part definitely has to be finding a routine and schedule that works for us where we’re not spending too much or too little time on the blog. We also find ourselves sometimes getting burnt out from a lack of ideas because we want to continually produce high quality content.

V: I think for me is the hardest part is to find time to create some really good quality contents. I am still a student, so balancing school works and blogging is a huge challenge for me.

4. What is the best part about being a first year blogger?

A: The fans. The people who email and tell me they love what i’m doing. I didn’t expect so much love so quickly and I’ve been so blessed. I’ve guest blogged on several sites now. All of my blog features get seen by many all over the world. I’ve even been mentoring a few bloggers who are starting out who chose me for guidance and help. It’s absolutely been so rewarding.

J & B: The best part about being a first year blogger is the newness of it all! It’s just so exciting “meeting” people that you wouldn’t other wise meet outside of the blogosphere. It’s also been such an amazing experience to be blogging together and seeing all of our work come to life. We also love having creative control on our content.

V: The best part is that I can finally have a platform to show my creativity to people around the world.

5. What is the one coolest thing you have done while blogging thus far?

A: My blogger features have to be the coolest. I have met some amazing people in writing my features for the site. Women of all ages who are so passionate about their love of blogging. I’ve featured fashion blogs and lifestyle blogs and it’s just amazing what I’ve learned about so many in such a short period of time.

J & B: We definitely love exploring the less traveled places, like the LA River. Having this blog really encourages us to get out of our introverted tendencies to stay indoors and explore our own backyard of Los Angeles.

V: The one cool thing I have done while blogging is that I can collaborate and be friends with people that I haven’t met before. I joined some blogging communities this year, I love the connection that I have with others.

6: Where do you see your blog in a year?

A: I hope it gets seen by more people! I mean every bloggers dream is to have the right people see their blog one day and perhaps have grander opportunity. I wish that for myself because I absolutely know I can do it. If you are that invested in something you can do anything to achieve it.

J & B: We definitely wanted to see our blog grow in numbers, but ultimately we just want to be better at our craft of photography and writing.

V: Honestly, I have no idea how my blog is going to be in a year. I will just make it go with the flow and see what happens.

It’s so cool to hear other first year blogging stories and know that I am not alone in my struggles and triumphs in this blogging world. Making connections in this community and having their support gives me the motivation to keep going!

Until next time Diary,




Black, White and Orange all over

I love the simple elegance of a black and white color story. As you know I’m a fan of things I can just thrown on with very little effort and this fits the bill. The blouse is very chic and has little details that make it very lux. The knit skirt is a piece that I can dress up like seen here or dress down with a pair of white chucks and a t-shirt.  I thrifted both the Ivanka Trump blouse and vintage Salvatore Ferragamo knit skirt for under $10 combined; gotta love a good thrift score!


This coat was not suppose to be apart of this outfit, but it was too cold not to wear one, so it made the cut lol. I’ve had this coat for at least 10 years and its one of my favorite pieces. I’ve said before I’m no fan of coats, but this one gets plenty of wear during the winter months. It was a gift from my aunt who herself wore it circa 1960 or 1970.


 This vintage Salvatore Ferragamo knit skit is everything!



Get the Look:

Trench Coat// vintage

Ivanka Trump Blouse// same style, different pattern linked

Salvatore Ferragamo Knit Skirt// vintage

Banana Republic Heels// different color linked


Thanks SO much for Reading!








Connecting with other bloggers, a review and my first contributing post!

Keeping my NYR in mind, I have been hard at work connecting with other bloggers and pitching my blog to brands. I had the pleasure to sit down with a few other first time bloggers and got to discuss “first year blogger” issues. It was so nice to connect with other bloggers who are in the beginning stages of blogging. We had such a good time chatting and I can’t wait to share with you our conversation!

A pretty good resource for me as a new blogger has been the Lucky Contributor Board. Not only do I drop a note each time I post a new blog, I get to see what other bloggers are talking about. Its a great platform for new bloggers to connect with other bloggers, get tips a tricks and an awesome resource for bloggers to connect with brands. If you remember its how I met Ally from and got my first blogger feature! While on the Community Board I came across a notice for bloggers to review an app called NoteStream and in turn they will be able to write post on the app. Well after doing my research on the app and gathering more terms on being a contributor, I will be writing my very first review on them!

I am super excited about this! Its another platform to get my blog seen, a chance to for me to work on my writing skills and something that I can add to my blogger resume! The review will be live on the blog Friday and I can’t wait to share that with you!

My 2015 is off to a GREAT start!


Until next time,






The Basics


When I’m at a loss for what to put on, I can always rely on the most classic items in my closet to make a chic look. There is nothing more classic that a white tee, jeans, black blazer and a pair of pumps. Pieces that can be worn together or mixed and matched in my closet are a must for me. I’m typically getting dressed 10 min after I am suppose to leave the house, so I have the things I can grab in a rush and not look like I grabbed them in a rush lol!


I love a good black blazer; add one to any outfit and you instantly have a pulled together look. This one by Ann Taylor cost me $2.50 from the thrift!


My new FAVORITE heels by Banana Republic. I love the cut of these shoes; cool twist on a classic black pump!


I love how effortless it all looks together and how easy it is to dress this look up or dress it down.

What are your favorite classic pieces you keep around?

Get the Look:

Ann Taylor Blazer-NLA// similar styles found here and here

Well Worn Sheer White Tee-NLA//similar styles here, here and here

Banana Republic Heels via Thread Up

Walmart Jeans-DYI and NLA// similar styles here and here

Thanks SO much for Reading,



Photo Cred: KG

New Year, New Things, New Goals

Happy New Year!

A New Year is like a blank board to write the way you want the year to be. I started blogging toward the end of 2014 and in the few months I have been blogging I have really enjoyed the journey and I have been looking for ways to grow in this business. I took a long hard look at my blog and where I want to go with this new journey in my life and I have found the direction that I want to go in and have set goals to get there. I know that this won’t be easy, but I am ready to put in the work that it will take to grow my blog!

Here are my top 5 goals for 2015!!

1. More collaborations…actually A collaboration lol

As a new blogger, I am VERY intimidated with approaching brands and other bloggers to work with me. I have made a vow to let all that go and start to reach out to brands and other blogger more to build relationships. My goal is to reach out to at least one blogger and one brand per month.

2. Let go of the numbers!

I am a slave to my IG, Twitter and blog view counts…..A SLAVE! I know that it’s not all about the numbers, but you can’t help but look. This year I vow to not but all my energy into the numbers and focus on working on the content on my blog.

3. Branching out. Building my brand!

I am in the process of making the jump from just blogger to….well I can’t tell you yet! Not quite ready to share, but in due time you will find out! I am very excited to reveal what I am working on!

4. NY Fashion Week!

My goal for this year is to attend NY Fashion Week! I loved the fact that I could watch shows via a live stream last year, but I want to see one in person! I have wanted to attend a show for many years and what better excuse to go this year…I mean a blogger has to do research right?!?! I am working on my plan and I will be attending this year, I am so excited!

5. Continuing to create quality content.

Some may not think of this as a ‘goal’, but I want to stay true to myself no matter how far I go in this business. I want to stay the same person I was when I started. I never want to loose my voice, I never want to fall in to the trap of being like other bloggers. I want the people who follow me today tell me I have never changed!

Well I have my goals all mapped out and I am ready to get them all checked off! It’s a fresh start…2015 LET’S DO THIS

Until next time Diary,



The Details



It took me about 2.5 seconds to purchase this sweater! The detail on this sweater was instantly eye-catching to me. Reminds me of something you would wear in the Southwest. I don’t normally go for tons of embellishment on my sweaters, but this could not be passed up! This sweater has been on heavy rotation the past few months and I’m sure you can understand why!

Get the Look:

Sweater vintage find// would make for a cool DIY project!

Walmart Olive Khaki Shinnies// similar looks here and here

Victoria Secret Shoes-NLA//similar look here


Thanks SO much for Reading and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

